Submissions Closed July 31th, 2022. All authors should expect to be contacted in Early September.

We accept submissions from undergraduate students studying at accredited institutions around the world. Collaborations are allowed (and encouraged!) but please make sure all authors are undergraduate students. 

Please ensure that your paper has not been previously published elsewhere, either online or in-print. Multiple submissions are allowed, but do note that generally, only one paper at most will be chosen for publication.

When submitting, please ensure your paper meets the following guidelines or your paper may be rejected:

  • The paper must be written in English
    • Please note that as CUJCS is a Canadian undergraduate journal, we will standardize all spelling to Canadian English (using words such as “behaviour”, “program”, and “centre”)
  • The submitted file is in an accepted format. PDF (.pdf) is preferred, but word processing formats such as Open Office XML (.docx), Word Document (.doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf), and OpenDocuemnt (.odf) are also acceptable. Please do not submit Apple Pages (.page) or uncompiled LaTeX (.tex) files. 
  • Standard APA 7 formatting (Times New Roman, double-spaced, twelve-point font, 1-inch or 2.54cm margins, APA-style in-text citations and references)
    • As the CUJCS editorial team likes to review blind, please write your initials in lieu of your name on the title page an omit your academic institution
      • For example, if Mark Giles wanted to submit his paper titled “The Future of Artificial Intelligence”, his title page would look like this:
        M. G.
        The Future of Artificial Intelligence
  • 2000 to 5000 words
    • While this is not a hard limit, please do try to conform to the length limits. Remember the famous quote – “If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter”. There is elegance in a concisely argued point and eloquently explained concept
  • Ensure that all the content in your submission is your own or that you hold the appropriate license for the intellectual property of others.
    • For example, if your paper is citing another, already published, article and using one of their graphs as an element of your paper, you must have the right to use it.
      • Frequently, papers are released under license that allow for limited redistribution and reuse, or the original authors may be happy to grant you permission.
    • If you cannot prove you have the rights to use someone else’s work, you will delay the entire publication process.
    • If you have questions, please contact our editorial team. We are here to help you.
  • If your paper relies on collected data and/or analysis scripts, please maintain a copy of them. The editorial team will likely ask to see them during the review process.



  • Acceptance: Summer 2022
  • Peer Review: Summer–Fall 2022
  • Professional Review: Fall 2022
  • Publication: Early 2023
    * Please note: to ensure the highest quality, this version of the journal has been delayed slightly for an early 2023 release

What Happens Next?

Once you have submitted us your manuscript, you should receive an automated response confirming that we have received your email. If not, please check your “Drafts” or “Outbox” folder and send again.

After the submissions deadline has passed and submissions are now closed, this is what happens next


    • Your paper will be read by the review and editorial team, who will make the decision whether to accept or reject your paper. Authors will be informed whether their paper has been accepted or rejected.

    • The accepted papers will go through typically 1–3 rounds of review and modification based on the editorial team’s comments marked on your paper. These comments may come in the form of critical comments or requests for clarification. You, the author, are expected to make changes and edit your work as needed to rectify these issues, and then re-submit your work to us. This process of commenting and modifying may be repeated several times.

    • The papers will be passed to our expert panel, which is comprised of various professors and industry professionals. They will perform an assessment of your document, request additional edits as necessary, and grant final approval. Please note that they may suggest rejecting your paper.

    • After final approval is granted, your work is done. The rest is up to us to deliver to you the final edition of the journal. The editorial team may make additional edits to fit layout and flow. After the journal is sent to publishing companies, it will then be distributed to authors, universities, libraries, and online.